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Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is one of the best ways to streamline internal processes and improve the efficiency of your organization. An ERP can streamline the workload of your organization, reduce complexity of tasks and automate several routine tasks. All of this can ultimately translate to improved revenue productivity of your organization.

However, the extent to which your ERP software is actually effective depends upon how well your employees are trained in it. End-user training refers to the process of ensuring that the final users of the ERP software are well-versed in it and are able to utilize it to its fullest potential. After all, what is ERP implementation without proper training in the software?

But before we list out the importance of end-user training, here’s a quick breakdown of what is ERP implementation in an organization.

What is ERP implementation?

ERP implementation involves a complete overhaul of your company’s existing processes and moving them to a single holistic dashboard. ERP software brings together several disparate elements in an organization, such as customer relations, admin, finance, marketing, etc. and streamlines them for better visibility and efficiency.

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Importance of end-user training

Here are the main reasons why following end-user training best practices is critical for the successful implementation of ERP software.

1. Improves the productivity of your organization

The end-goal of any ERP implementation is to improve the efficiency of your company’s bottom line. Successful utilization of ERP software can help your employees automate several routine processes, reduce the total time spent on tasks and even reduce the costs associated with certain tasks. However, these benefits can be realized only when they are able to utilize the software properly. Without proper training, you might actually notice the exact opposite happen in your company. There could be time lags in tasks and even several errors since your employees are unfamiliar with the software. To avoid this, end-user training is essential.

2. Prevents your organization from incurring losses

ERP implementation is usually a significant investment for any company. However, the investment can potentially pay for itself since productivity and profitability are two sides of the same coin. An ERP software can also free up your employees’ time from routine tasks, allowing them to spend more time on higher-value tasks that can contribute to the growth of your organization. If the end-users of the software are not adequately trained in how to use it, then your organization will be unable to reap these benefits. In fact, you might actually see the exact opposite happen as the investment paid might now pay off in terms of results.

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3. Improves accuracy of work

Uniform end-user training in ERP software ensures that all your employees are using the exact same processes for their tasks. This ensures that exchange in data and other work-related processes occur in a standardized way. Ensuring this happens can go a long way in improving the accuracy of work within your organization. For instance, by ensuring all work is done on a single platform, loss of data or transmission of incorrect data can be avoided. Following the correct processes on the ERP can also streamline your employee turnover process as all data is stored on a single system. This way, even if one employee leaves your organization, it won’t affect the accuracy and continuity of the work being done.

4.  It can prevent demotivation of employees

While ERP implementation can offer several benefits to an organization and its employees, it’s not always seen as a welcome change. Because this software can automate several processes previously being done by humans, a common misconception is that it is used to replace employees in an organization. This can interfere with your employees adopting the software as they might be insecure about their role once the software is in use.

End-user training can educate employees that ERP software can improve the quality of work of all employees. Rather than replacing them, it can free up their time from routine tasks, allowing them to focus on higher-value tasks that can scale up your organization. This ensures that all your employees are on the same page and can utilize the software to its fullest capacity.

5. An ERP usually requires role-based training

The versatility of ERP implementation means that it’s usage can be customized for every single role within your organization. The access and functions of an ERP can be segregated by seniority as well as by function. For example, a junior-level software developer will have different uses for the ERP than a senior manager of marketing. Because of this, end-user training best practices involve not just general training on how to use the ERP, but also more specific training on how employees in various roles can and should use it.

The more personalized the training is, the higher is the chance of your employees actually using it in the best way possible. Role-based training also ensures that each employee only learns the aspects of the software that will be of use to them and avoid unnecessary information which can serve to confuse more than help.

When used right by every user, an ERP is one of the most powerful tools at your company’s disposal to improve profitability and improve performance of the organization as a whole. In order to reap the many benefits that an ERP software promises, proper end-user training best practices need to be followed. While there will definitely be a transition period during which your employees need to switch from old processes to new ones, the advantages of doing so make it well worth the effort.

iTech India has been providing customized software solutions since 2003. We specialize in custom software development, app development and re-engineering. Contact us today to know more about how we can bring value to your business process.


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